Wednesday, April 22, 2015




     Counter to conventional “new year” goal-setting wisdom, I have a tendency to drag mine out. For that reason, I am still plodding through my workbook for 2015 even though it is already mid-April. This may not be the most effective means of setting goals, but for right now it brings me joy to look at what I have already written and accomplished, and to experience my own evolution as the year progresses.

     A few weeks ago I sat by the lake wrapped in a blanket, looking out as the afternoon sunlight reflected off the ripples in the water. I had just read over something I wrote back in February while in New Mexico with my kids skiing. I wanted one of my themes for the year to be recreation, and how appropriate it was to read that message to myself after a lovely walk in the woods.

     The fact that I chose recreation as one of my themes is significant, and showed real intention to move away from my “overworked” work ethic and requirement for constant productivity. Big stuff!

Recreation. I repeated the word in my mind a few times, responding to it like it were a meditative mantra. Recreation. Recreation. Recreation. And then my mind lit up in an instant --
Recreation…. Re-creation.
How beautiful is that?

     Recreation creates opportunities for re-creation. If I want to re-create myself, renew my passion or commitment to my life’s work, the answer isn’t necessarily to work on it or focus on it. Perhaps the answer is to relax, play, and participate in life in new and different ways. And with that epiphany, my theme word of “recreation” took on an even more wonderful meaning.

Many Blessings,